Wednesday, February 29, 2012

3 countries. 10 days. Let's go.

One presentation done. One midterm tomorrow. Spring break. I cannot even wait for a whole week and a half of relaxation. As I am trying to study my Italian verb tenses.. I am finding my attention diverted to packing and excitement. I have been so busy planning out every detail of this trip, that it has finally just hit me.. I leave in less than 24 hours. Well, now the hostels are set, the flights are booked, and my suitcase is packed.. kindof. (I cannot believe the amount I am bringing.. or not bringing for that matter.. getting so good at this 'packing light' thing!) I get to experience and see things that most people only dream of seeing in their lifetime. I will be strolling the gardens of Paris, seeing the colorful sights of Barcelona, and laying on the beaches of Lisbon. These next 10 days are going to be amazing. Ciao Roma, I still love you.

1 comment:

  1. Love the way you express your experiences. We continue to pray for you on this incredible journey. So many stories, please remember them for us.
    Love you!!!!
