Sunday, February 19, 2012

Another great weekend.

How is it Sunday night again? Even with an extra day added to my weekend.. it goes by too fast. I am officially moving to Italy. I have only said that a good 100 times now..but it's true! The more I see, the more it captures my heart. I love living in the hustle of the city all week long and then leaving on the weekend to explore more. The life of trains is something I would never expect myself to be liking, but hey.. get me some coffee and I will get up early to board a train. My weekend started with a trip to Orvieto, the most beautiful country side I have ever seen. Honestly, to judge Italy based on Rome is like judging the United States based on New York. There is so much more to see all within hours of my reach. The day I got here, Patrick and I, (as jet legged as we were) walked around Rome for hours. Up and down the cobble stone roads, not even caring that we did not know where on earth we were going or how we were going to get back. This is something we still do at least once a week. Saturday we got on a bus, did not even know where it stopped at, and traveled until something appealing was out our window. This city will never cease to amaze me.

"Bizarre travel plans are dancing lessons from God." - Kurt Vonnegut

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