Saturday, February 4, 2012


It has SNOWED. It is so beautiful and out of context to see. I feel so lucky to experience such a sight. It has been 26 years since Rome has seen snow. Walking around today, there was so much energy amongst the people. I am really happy it did not snow on Friday, because we went to Pompeii for the day.. would have been a little cold outside all day in that! Pompeii was so incredible to see.. I can't believe I was standing in front of monuments that I have learned about in all my History books growing up. To see the volcano that effected so many lives and to stand on the ground which was once a home to a family. Being in Pompeii put life in so much perspective for me. I knew since being here I would grow in unexplainable ways, but I never expected to understand so much more in just 3 weeks. To see the last prayers being said before these families died makes me think about how much is taken for granted in life. Living in California the past 2 years has been really difficult for me. I can never quite put my finger on why there is so much conflict between the way that I was raised and with those that were raised in that state. It is because many people assume that it is THE world. That is all there is. A lot of the time I get comments made towards me like, "no wonder you came to California" or "Wow, this must be SO different for you." Yes. It is different. That doesn't necessarily make it better. We are all so self absorbed.. we assume that our lives are the reason why the sun is shining up above. It is such a newsflash being here. There are MILLIONS of lives out there.. why focus on just my own? It is hard being away from home and out of my comfort zone, I have really started to realize the amount of people that put forth effort to care about your experience or stay in touch.. let me tell you, it is very few. There are so many lives. The sun does not shine for just one person. And the day it does, Jesus will be back on this earth.

1 comment:

  1. Annalise my dear you are a wonderful writer! This post really touched me. I love you!
