Sunday, March 11, 2012

10 days of experiencing Him.

The windowsill holds me back from the world I am looking out over. The language barrier stops me from fitting in just enough to humble my soul. Different cultures. I don't want to look like "that" American. Walking down the streets of the unknown is outside the comfort zone. Outside the normal. Glances come from every direction. "What is she doing here?" We are all a body of people. The world is so big, yet so small. Populated by the diversity of God. His love is poured out from his creation through every breathtaking view, but better yet, through his people. God's people. The homeless man in the corner, a common scene that would send Americans running in the opposite direction. He is God's masterpiece. His brokenness is God, from his rusted can with 1 euro, to his worry creases stretched out across his forehead. To experience God is to let go. To love God is to fear Him. To trust God is to live in the light. I have never experienced the love and comfort of my heavenly father more so than in these past ten days of travel. Ten days of wandering an unknown land. Ten days of not knowing but being content with that. Letting go of the desire to be a powerful human is the healthiest thing one can participate in. Culture is a fine balance between two opposite humans, but alike in every tangible way. I have learned to love those that are different. And not just when I want to. Souls are beautiful. The connection of two that are from different sides of this earth is amazing. Poler opposites, but attracted through love of the soil they are standing upon. The good, the bad, and the ugly are going to be encountered daily through people. This world was created to adapt to the surroundings. Fighting the urge to make each and every day "familiar" is the creation of peace. Lessons of value are everywhere, search for adventure and married to that experience will always be a life lesson. I needed this trip. I needed to learn to respond to life. Never will I forget.

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