Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lift me up.

Saturday marks the day of living in this place I once called "foreign" for one month. It seems as though up until this point I have been getting "acclimated". I have been using the excuse, "Oh, I'm new here" as comfort. I can tell the difference this week. I am beginning to feel the pull of the excited student studying abroad to creating an actual home here. To think that I am 1/3rd done with my journey is such an eye opener. I have found places that I consider myself a "regular" at.. cafes near my convent, pizzerias, or even the grocery store. The best way I can define the difference between a "traveler" and a "tourist" is the way they respond to things. I have found that when I walk in somewhere and the first word spoken to me is in English.. a wave of annoyance overtakes me. Give me a chance please, I am learning your language. Let me use it. When there is a bus strike (which is about every other day), calling a taxi does not even cross my mind.. scenic route all the way home. I love becoming the traveler. I love evolving into the person I am suppose to be in Italy. Tonight I went exploring with Patrick, and had the best tiramisu I have had here so far. My favorite translation from Italian to English is the word, "tiramisu".. it literally translates to "pick me up". Who couldn't use a little slice of that a day? :)

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