Sunday, January 29, 2012

Run like the Romans do.

Today is a good day. I have found my running community. You see, everywhere I have run thus far, I get stared down, almost hit by every smart car that passes, or have to stop every 3 feet to wait for a green light. Finally a running park where it does not matter if my hair is blonde and my eyes are blue as long as my Nike shoes are running at the same pace as those around me. It is nice to have a little piece of home with me. A place where I blend in. A place to pursue one of my favorite passions. And better yet, it is surrounding by villas that look like castles and plants flourishing left and right. Never knew I could enjoy my runs even more.

1 comment:

  1. i'm so thankful you found a place to run Ahne! that's always tricky when studying abroad... PTL! i'm loving reading about your new experiences-your blogs are a delight to read! love ya!
