Saturday, January 21, 2012

Here at last.

I am officially in Rome. The trip took FOREVER. 10 hours on a plane is a really long time, regardless of how many movies you watch. Once arriving here, I could not believe how clear everything is. The air is so crisp and cool and it is always the perfect temperature. The first and second day were really hard, jet leg sucks. I was seriously up for a total of 30 hours straight.. I started to see double by the time I got to sleep. It is so weird to think that I am in a foreign country.. I have been really busy with orientation, (I forgot I actually have to do school here ha). In my free time I have been walking the streets with Patrick and have been trying ever bar (coffee shop) possible! Gotta find my favorite :) I love the neighborhood we live in. People stare like they have never seen a blonde.. ha! I defiantly stand out here. I feel like Italy is what you would see in a fairy tale.. the streets, architecture, and culture is something I have never experienced before. Each building has such a history to it. A hidden beauty. It is weird to not be the majority, to not be able to do something simple as read a sign or build board. Even though the Romans live such a busy and fast pace life here, they live a simplistic lifestyle. They communicate. They talk to those on the street, instead of looking at their cell phones and ignoring the hustle around them.

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