Monday, January 23, 2012

Can I move here now?

I am falling in love with this city. It is hard to fathom each and every day as I wake up that I live in such an enchanting place. Today I had my first run in Rome. How I lasted 4 days without one? I don't even know. It was amazing to run down a cobblestone road of history. Everywhere I look is a monument of culture. Being in a completely different country has opened my eyes to the flawed life I have been living. Italy is not perfect by any means, but America is so self centered. It makes me sad to think that I can walk down the street at home, texting, and not even looking up once. Italians know a time and a place for everything and follow those standards daily. As I walk these roads, I cannot help but to look at all the doors around me.. I have always loved the look of doors. They symbolize such a significant part of any home or building. The doors located here are decorated with fragments of history, I will never know all of the people that have walked in and out of them that have had an influence on this world. A door can represent a hello or a goodbye. A start or an end. The beginning of something or the end of another. When it all comes down to it, a door requires a person with a goal. A decision. A final destination or just a first chapter.

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